this is an end result of an illustration i made in my first year of 5/6 years ago! it was made from collaging magazine images together on top of an old laura ashley catolgue front cover that i found on the street! i've recently been working on my cv and after a play around with this image on photoshop (got to love happy accidents) i decided to use it in the background to make my cv stand out a little, i know some employers won't like it but if i can't be myself then why would i want to work there in the first place.
i've also been working on a little business idea that i was thinking about when i was in australia. i've been designing the logo, designing products etc, i will no doubt put some of my stuff to sell on here just so people can see it. it's mainly going to be a menswear accessory shop with ties, wallets, pocket squares, rucksacks etc, going to make them in some really lovely fabrics and theyll all be home-made. hoping something will come of it. i know there are such shops out there already doing this and targetting the wedding market in america, but there isn't much for the UK so fingers crossed i'll fill a gap and just in time for the wedding season(i have three weddings to go to this year)
what do you think of my illustration, brave move putting it on my cv? anyone have any tips for starting up a little business? advertising etc?
samantha xo