Saturday 24 August 2013

to be creative that is the question..

so i just found a job vacancy i think i'll be really good at! now i've been unemployed since i returned from travelling and i HATE it! i hate not having anything to do and no money, on one hand its been amazing to have some time to feel creative but on the other hand bored bored bored! i have however in my recent failures of not getting interviews from my CV, done lots of research, spoken to some lovely careers advisors via webchat on the national careers website so after i spending a few days working on the perfect way to sell my accomplishments in the workplace and make myself sound amazing i still really wanted to have an aspect of me on my cv, sooo i stitched my cv and cover letter to some beautiful coloured paper, as soon as i sent it in the post i thought maybe i should have played it safe and just sent it on normal paper, but either way i'm hoping the hiring manager will think wow how lovely of her to take all the time to do this and give me a call for an interview..i have everything crossed! so here is a little snippet of the result..

what do you think? has anything different like this got you a job you were perfect for? any opinions would be amazing! 

samantha xo

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